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Your Friendly ANNIS Match Exporter

Annimate (for ANNIS Match Exporter) is a tool for the convenient export of query results (matches) from the ANNIS1 system for linguistic corpora.

It is meant as a supplement to the ANNIS web interface and focuses on file export (as opposed to visualization) of the results of an ANNIS query.

Annimate is being developed by Matthias Stemmler in cooperation with the Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft at the University of Augsburg.

It is based on the graphANNIS library by Thomas Krause.

Annimate can currently produce a CSV or an Excel file with one row per match, showing the matched nodes in their context in a KWIC (Keyword in Context) format as well as additional annotations of the matched nodes and metadata on the corpus and document levels. It is similar in functionality to a combination of the ANNIS TextColumnExporter and CSVExporter, but provides a friendlier user interface.

This User Guide explains the details on how to work with Annimate.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Importing Corpus Data
  3. Exporting Query Results
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Links

If you are unfamiliar with Annimate, we recommend that you go through all sections one by one, starting with Installation.


If you have any kind of feedback on Annimate such as a bug report, documentation issue or idea for a new feature, please create an issue in the Annimate GitHub repository.


Krause, Thomas & Zeldes, Amir (2016): ANNIS3: A new architecture for generic corpus query and visualization. in: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2016 (31).


Since Annimate is a desktop-based application (as opposed to a website), you need to install it on your local system before you can use it.

The exact procedure depends on the operating system you are using. Annimate is currently available for Windows, Linux and macOS.


On Windows, Annimate comes with an installer that takes care of the installation process for you and can update your installation automatically whenever a new version of Annimate becomes available.

Note: Installing Annimate on Windows does not require administrator permissions. However, Annimate will only be installed for the current user, not system-wide.

In order to install Annimate, go through the following steps:

  1. Download the installer .exe file from GitHub: Annimate_1.3.3_x64-setup.exe
  2. Run the downloaded .exe file and follow the instructions of the installation wizard
  3. Afterwards, you can run Annimate through the Windows start menu entry and/or the link on your desktop, depending on the options you chose in the installation wizard

Automatic updates

Every time Annimate is started, it automatically checks for updates in the background. If there is an update, you are presented with a dialog telling you that an update is available and listing the most important changes. You can then choose to either

  • apply the update, or
  • skip the update for now.

If you choose to apply the update, the application will restart itself when the installation is completed. If you choose to skip the update, you will be reminded again the next time you start the application.

Note: We strongly recommend that you install updates in order to keep up with new features and bugfixes.


On Linux, Annimate comes in two different formats that you can choose from: an AppImage and a Debian package.


The Annimate AppImage is a self-contained application bundle that includes all of its dependencies pre-bundled and runs on all common Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora without requiring a dedicated installation step. It can update itself automatically whenever a new version of Annimate becomes available.

In order to use the AppImage, go through the following steps:

  1. Download the .AppImage file from GitHub: Annimate_1.3.3_amd64.AppImage
  2. Make it executable:
    chmod a+x Annimate*.AppImage
  3. Afterwards, you can run Annimate by running the .AppImage file:

Automatic updates

Every time Annimate is started, it automatically checks for updates in the background. If there is an update, you are presented with a dialog telling you that an update is available and listing the most important changes. You can then choose to either

  • apply the update, or
  • skip the update for now.

If you choose to apply the update, the application will restart itself afterwards. If you choose to skip the update, you will be reminded again the next time you start the application.

Note: We strongly recommend that you install updates in order to keep up with new features and bugfixes.

Since there is no dedicated installation step, updating in this case just means that the .AppImage file is replaced with a newly downloaded one. Note that the name of the .AppImage file (which includes a version number) stays the same, even though it now contains a newer version. If you want to avoid this, consider renaming the file to give it a version-independent name.

Debian Package

On Debian and its derivatives (such as Ubuntu), you can alternatively install Annimate from a Debian package. Note that this requires sudo privileges and does not support automatic updates.

In order to install the Debian package, go through the following steps:

  1. Download the .deb file from GitHub: Annimate_1.3.3_amd64.deb
  2. Install it:
    sudo dpkg -i ./Annimate_*_amd64.deb
  3. Start Annimate:


On macOS, Annimate comes as a macOS Application Bundle (.app file) packaged in a .tar.gz archive. It can update itself automatically whenever a new version of Annimate becomes available.

Note: Installing Annimate on macOS does not require administrator permissions unless it is installed into a protected folder such as /Applications that requires adminitrator permissions. However, installing it into a protected folder is discouraged because it will not be able to update itself automatically.

There are two different versions of the Application Bundle for different types of processors:

  • Apple silicon processors (for newer Mac computers, starting from late 2020)
  • Intel processors (for older Mac computers)

Check the Apple Support to find out which type of processor you have. Annimate requires a macOS version of 10.13 “High Sierra” or newer.

Note: As the Annimate Application Bundle is not signed by Apple, your system will set a “quarantine” attribute for the downloaded file. You will need to remove this attribute as described below. Otherwise you will see a message saying that “Annimate is damaged and can’t be opened” when trying to start it.

In order to install Annimate, go through the following steps:

  1. Download the .tar.gz file from GitHub:

  2. Double-click on the .tar.gz file in your Downloads folder to extract it: Screenshot of macOS archive file

    This will produce an Annimate Application Bundle:

    Screenshot of macOS extracted archive file

  3. Move the Annimate Application Bundle to a folder that is not protected. This excludes folders that require administrator permissions such as /Applications, your desktop or other special folders in your home directory such as Documents or Downloads. You could, for instance, move it into your home directory or in a subfolder of your home directory such as ~/Applications that you may have to create first.

  4. Open a terminal by clicking on the “Terminal” icon in your Dock: Screenshot of macOS terminal button

  5. In the terminal, go into the folder containing the Annimate Application Bundle ( file) and run the following command to remove the quarantine attribute:

    xattr -d

    The following screenshot shows a terminal session where the file is moved from the Downloads folder to the home directory (~) and the quarantine attribute is removed:

    Screenshot of macOS terminal

  6. Afterwards you can run Annimate by double-clicking on the Annimate app icon (shown here in the home directory): Screenshot of macOS home folder

Automatic updates

Every time Annimate is started, it automatically checks for updates in the background. If there is an update, you are presented with a dialog telling you that an update is available and listing the most important changes. You can then choose to either

  • apply the update, or
  • skip the update for now.

If you choose to apply the update, the application will restart itself afterwards. If you choose to skip the update, you will be reminded again the next time you start the application.

Note: We strongly recommend that you install updates in order to keep up with new features and bugfixes.

In case you see an error message when Annimate tries to install the update, make sure that the folder containing the Annimate Application Bundle does not require administrator permissions and isn’t one of the protected folders Desktop, Documents or Downloads.

Obtaining Older Versions

For reference, you can find the most recent and all previous releases of Annimate on the Releases page on GitHub.

What’s Next?

After you have successfully installed Annimate, you can proceed with Importing Corpus Data.

Importing Corpus Data

Before you can run a query and export its results, you need to obtain corpus data for one or more corpora and import them into your installation of Annimate.

Note that there are different definitions of what constitutes a corpus, depending on the context. In this User Guide, we will use the Referenzkorpus Altdeutsch (ReA) 1.2 as an example. It consists of several parts:

ReA 1.2
├─ DDD-AD-Benediktiner_Regel_1.2
├─ DDD-AD-Benediktiner_Regel_Latein_1.2
├─ DDD-AD-Genesis_1.2
├─ DDD-AD-Heliand_1.2
├─ DDD-AD-Isidor_1.2

While one would commonly call the full ReA 1.2 a corpus, it’s each individual part such as DDD-AD-Benediktiner_Regel_1.2 that’s called a corpus in the context of ANNIS and Annimate. In order to keep all the corpora belonging e.g. to ReA 1.2 together as a group, Annimate supports organizing corpora in corpus sets as described below.

Note: In this User Guide, we mostly follow this convention of referring to each individual part as a corpus. However, we sometimes use the same term for a corpus in the conventional sense (e.g. ReA) where it’s convenient and unlikely to cause confusion.

Obtaining Corpus Data

Corpora are distributed in many different data formats, two of which a related to ANNIS and are supported by Annimate:

  • graphANNIS/GraphML: This is the graph-based format used internally by ANNIS. In this format, each corpus comes as a single .graphml file.
  • relANNIS: This is the relational format that was previously used by ANNIS but is still used to distribute many corpora. In this format, each corpus comes as a folder containing multiple files with fixed names such as or

Annimate can import corpora in both of these formats. It can also import (potentially nested) folders or ZIP files containing one or more corpora in either of these formats.

There are several ways to obtain corpus data:

  • Download the data from a public repository such as LAUDATIO: In the “Download” menu for each corpus (here in the sense of a corpus set such as ReA), you find a list of the formats in which the data are available. Select graphannis or relannis if available. The downloaded ZIP file can be imported directly into Annimate.
  • If the corpus is available in a linguistic format different from graphANNIS or relANNIS, you may be able to convert it into one of the two supported formats using a conversion tool such as Pepper or Annatto:
    • For Pepper, select the ANNISExporter in the export step to convert the corpus into the relANNIS format.
    • For Annatto, use the graphml exporter to convert the corpus into the graphANNIS/GraphML format.
  • If the corpus is accessible through a public installation of ANNIS, ask the maintainers of the installation to provide the data.

Note: See the Links section for download links for some publicly available corpora.

Importing Into Annimate

  1. In Annimate, click on the Settings button to reach the “Manage corpora” screen. Screenshot showing “Manage” button
  2. Click on “Import corpora”, then select whether you want to import one or more files (for GraphML or ZIP files) or one or more folders (for relANNIS corpora or to import multiple corpora from one or more folders). Screenshot showing “Import corpora” menu
  3. Select one or more files/folders to import. Screenshot showing “Import corpora from files” dialog
  4. Wait until the import is finished, then click on “Continue”. Screenshot showing finished import
  5. In the final step you can optionally add all imported corpora to a (new or existing) corpus set. Click on “OK” to finish the import. Screenshot showing how to add imported corpora to a set

Organizing Corpora and Corpus Sets

While you can add corpora to sets directly when they are imported, it is also possible to organize corpus sets at any time on the “Manage corpora” screen.

On the left-hand side, you can either select “All corpora” or a specific corpus set:

  • When “All corpora” is selected, the right-hand side shows a list of all corpora. Here you can delete an individual corpus by clicking on the corresponding Trash button and then clicking on “Delete” in the following dialog. The corpus will be deleted and removed from all sets. Screenshot showing “Delete corpus” button“
  • When a specific corpus set is selected, the right-hand side shows a list of all corpora with checkboxes, where the corpora belonging to the selected set are checked. Check or uncheck a corpus in order to add or remove it from the selected set, respectively. Screenshot showing “Add corpus to set” button“

In order to create a new corpus set, click on the “Add corpus set” button, enter a name, and click on “OK”: Screenshot showing “Add corpus set” button“ Then check all corpora that you want to add to the set: Screenshot showing “Remove corpus from set” button“

You can also rename a set by clicking on the corresponding Pencil button or delete it by clicking on the corresponding Trash button. When deleting a set, you can choose whether to only delete the set itself (keeping the corpora available under “All corpora” and in other sets they may be a part of), or to also delete all corpora of the set: Screenshot showing “Delete corpus set” dialog

Click on the Left arrow button to go back to the Annimate main screen. Screenshot showing “Back” button on “Manage corpora” screen

What’s Next?

After you have successfully imported your corpus data, you can proceed with Exporting Query Results.

Exporting Query Results

Selecting Corpora

When you want to export query results, the first step is to select which corpora to query. On the lower left of the Annimate main screen, you see a list of all corpora that you have previously imported, and you can click on the checkbox next to each corpus in order to include it in the query. As a shortcut, you can click on the checkbox next to “All” to select all corpora in the list.

You can also select a corpus set in order to show only the corpora that are part of the set. The most common workflow is to first select a corpus set and then click on the checkbox next to “All” to select all corpora of the selected set.

Screenshot showing corpus selection

Entering the Query

The next step is to enter a query in the ANNIS Query Language (AQL) on the upper left. See the corresponding section in the ANNIS User Guide for details on AQL.

Note: If there is an ANNIS installation available for your corpora, you may want to draft your query there, using ANNIS to visualize the results, and then copy-paste it into Annimate for the export. You can, of course, also type your query directly into Annimate.

If the query is valid (in the context of the selected corpora), you see a green checkmark in the corner of the query area: Screenshot showing valid query

If the query is invalid, you see a red “x” icon. Hover over the icon with your mouse to see the error message. You can also click on the icon to make Annimate select the part of the query that the error message refers to: Screenshot showing invalid query

Note that directly above the query area, you can select between two different versions of the ANNIS Query Language:

  • AQL (latest): the current version of AQL used in ANNIS starting from version 4
  • AQL (compatibility mode): the previous version of AQL used in ANNIS before version 4

The distinction between these two versions needs to be made because the same query may yield different results depending on which version you select, and a query may be valid in one version, but invalid in the other. For a detailed list of differences between the two, see Differences in Compatibility Mode in the ANNIS User Guide.

In general, you should always select “AQL (latest)” unless you need compatibility with an installation of e.g. ANNIS 3. The most common case where a query is valid in compatibility mode, but invalid in the latest version, is when it uses a meta:: condition, e.g. to restrict matches to a specific document: Screenshot showing meta query

While it is possible to select “AQL (compatibility mode)” to support such queries, it is recommended to select “AQL (latest)” and replace the meta:: condition with the “part of” operator @*: Screenshot showing part-of query

Configuring Table Columns

Since the query results will be exported as a table (either in CSV or Excel format), the next step is to define what columns the table should contain. This depends on what type of data about the matches you are interested in.

The right-hand side of the Annimate main screen shows a list of all columns that are currently configured. Screenshot showing list of columns

By default, there are two entries, one of type “Number” and one of type “Match in context”. You can manipulate this list in the following ways:

  • Click on the Trash button of an entry to remove it.
  • Click on the Grip button of an entry and then drag it up or down to reorder the entries.
  • Click on the “Add column” button and select a column type to add a new entry: Screenshot showing “Add column” menu

The following column types are available. For details on each column type, refer to the corresponding section.

Note: While each entry of the list will usually produce exactly one column, an entry of type “Match in context” will actually produce multiple columns. See Match in context for details.

Selecting the Format and Starting the Export

On the lower right of the Annimate main screen, you can choose between one of two formats for the export:

  • CSV: This produces a .csv file containing a table in the Comma-Separated Values format. This format is not specific to any particular software and can be imported into all spreadsheet tools (including Microsoft Excel) or even opened with a text editor.
  • Excel: This produces a .xlsx file containing an Excel workbook. Since it doesn’t make use of advanced features of Microsoft Excel, it can also be opened with most other spreadsheet tools such as LibreOffice Calc.

Screenshot showing export format selector

Finally, click on the “Export to …” button and select a filename in order to start the export. If this button is disabled (grayed out), this means that the information needed to start the export is still incomplete. Make sure that the following conditions are satisfied:

  • At least one corpus is selected.
  • A query has been entered and is valid (showing a green checkmark).
  • At least one column has been configured.
  • All configured columns have all their fields set to a value (Segmentation, Left/right context, Annotation, Query node, Meta annotation)

Note: If you change the selection of corpora and/or the query after you have already configured the columns, it can happen that a previously selected option is no longer available (e.g. for “Query node” if you change the query so that the selected node no longer exists). Then the selection is cleared and the “Export to …” button becomes disabled. In this case, go through the list of columns again and make sure that all fields are filled.

Screenshot showing “Export to file” dialog

When the export is finished, you will see a notification with shortcuts to open the folder containing the file in your system’s File Explorer or to open the file directly in the program associated with .csv respectively .xlsx files on your system.

Screenshot showing “Export finished” notification

Working With Exported Data

CSV Files

The .csv files produced by Annimate are human-readable and can be opened with any text editor. In case you want to import them into a spreadsheet tool, make sure to use the following configuration for the tool (naming may vary depending on the tool):

  • Delimiter: Comma
  • Includes header row: Yes

In order to import a CSV file into Microsoft Excel, follow the steps in the Excel documentation. We recommend the approach documented under “Import a text file by connecting to it” (not “Import a text file by opening it in Excel”) since it gives you more control over how Excel interprets the data.

Excel Files

The .xlsx files produced by Annimate can be opened directly in Microsoft Excel or any other spreadsheet tool that supports the Excel file format. It contains two separate worksheets:

  • Data: This contains the actual exported data. Note that it includes a header row, so the row number displayed by Excel is offset by one compared to the number of the match. In order to include the number of the match, add a “Number” column.
  • Information: This contains some information about the export that helps you document and reproduce it:
    • The query
    • The query language: “AQL latest” or “AQL (compatibility mode)” as described above
    • The list of corpora
    • Which version of Annimate was used to produce the export

What’s Next?

Have fun with Annimate! If you encounter any problems, check out the Troubleshooting section. Let us know in case you need support.


“Number” column

This produces a single column that just contains the number of each match, i.e. it contains 1 for the first match, 2 for the second match and so on.

This can be useful for referring to specific matches when analyzing the exported data. When exporting to Excel, it is particularly useful because Excel’s automatic row numbering counts the header row as row number 1 and the first match row as row number 2, while a “Number” column produced by Annimate starts with 1 for the first match. The number next to the last match is the total number of matches.

Match in context

“Match in context” column

This produces multiple columns showing each match within its context in the corpus, in a format which is known as Key Word in Context or KWIC. Each match may consist of multiple nodes, which correspond to the nodes of the query referenced by the variables #1, #2, etc. For instance, the query

pos=/N.*/ &
inflection=/.*GEN.*/ &
pos=/N.*/ &
#1_=_#2 &
#3 . #2

consists of three nodes referenced by the variables #1, #2 and #3, so each match also consists of three nodes. As queries can be “or” queries with multiple alternatives, the number of nodes may vary from one match to another. The exact number of columns in the export depends on the maximal number of nodes contained in any match. In the simplest case, if the query contains only a single node (referred to as #1), every match also contains a single node and the export will contain three columns:

Left contextMatchRight context

If the query contains two nodes (referred to as #1 and #2), the export will contain five columns:

Context 1Match 1Context 2Match 2Context 3

And so on. Note that optional nodes are not included in the export.

A corpus may define several different segmentation layers (or segmentations for short), which define how the text is split up into nodes. The most fine-grained segmentation layer is called the token layer. This layer is always present and each node on any segmentation layer spans one or more of these tokens. For instance, the ReA corpus contains the edition and text layers besides the token layer.

Under “Segmentation”, you can select the segmentation layer to be used for the “Match in context” columns. This list only contains segmentations that exist in all of the selected corpora. Since one typically runs a query over a set of corpora with a similar annotation structure (for instance all corpora of ReA), the list should be as expected. If you’re missing a segmentation, check if any of your selected corpora may be structured differently from the others, e.g. by checking if the desired segmentation appears when just a single corpus is selected.

Note: In corpora with multiple segmentation layers, the token layer is often only used to align the different segmentations (i.e. define which segmentation nodes on the different layers span the same parts of the text), but doesn’t have any textual content itself. In the case of these virtual tokens, you need to select a segmentation different from Tokens (default) or else the “Match in context” columns will be empty.

Under “Left context” and “Right context” you can define how many segmentation nodes to the left respectively right of any match node should be included as context. You can enter any number from 0 to 999 inclusive. Since it is very common to use the same size for the left and right contexts, by default changing one of the two numbers will automatically set the other to the same value. In order to turn off this behavior, enabling you to set the left and right context sizes independently, click on the “link” icon between the two.

Note: Some corpora contain non-standard segmentations where the context size cannot be measured in segmentation nodes for technical reasons. In such cases, context size will be measured in tokens instead. This can lead to smaller context windows than expected. In this case, just increase the context size as needed. The textual content of the “Match in context” columns will still be according to the selected segmentation in any case.

Note that setting very small context sizes can lead to “gaps” in the export in case a match consists of two nodes that are so far apart that their context windows don’t overlap. In this case the gap is marked as (...) in the respective context column in the export. If both context sizes are set to zero, the export will not contain any context columns at all (unless you use the query node filter, see below).

There is a special case in which you may want to treat a node matched by the query as part of the context rather than as a match: Some corpora contain annotations for larger spans such as clauses, which you may want to use as auxiliary nodes to express conditions on the nodes you are actually looking for. For instance, suppose we want to restrict the above query to matches contained within interrogative clauses:

pos=/N.*/ &
inflection=/.*GEN.*/ &
pos=/N.*/ &
clause=/.*_Int/ &
#1_=_#2 &
#3 . #2 &
#4_i_#1 &

Now the query contains four nodes, referred to as #1, #2, #3 and #4, which by default would all count as match nodes and would thus be included in a “Match” column. However, since one of the nodes, #4, represents the clause, this would include the entire clause in a “Match” column, hiding the information which nodes are actually matched by #1, #2 and #3. One could say that #4 is just an auxiliary node whose sole purpose is to express a condition on #1 and #3, namely that those are included in a clause with a certain property. In order to avoid treating #4 as a match node, you can use the “Query node filter” that defines which query nodes count as a match: Just click on the checkbox next to #4 to exclude it from the filter. Nodes that are part of the clause #4, but aren’t part of #1, #2 or #3, will now be treated as being part of the context.

Note: The left/right context size still refers to the context around all query nodes, not just the ones included in the query node filter.

In case the query node filter includes multiple nodes that may overlap, you can reorder the checked nodes by clicking on the Grip button of an entry and then dragging it up or down. This defines a priority order between the nodes, so that when a segmentation node is part of multiple query nodes, it will be treated as being part of the first one according to the priority. Changing this priority order should not be necessary in most cases.

Match annotation

“Match annotation” column

This produces a single column containing a particular annotation of one of the matched nodes. For instance, in the query

pos=/N.*/ &
inflection=/.*GEN.*/ &
pos=/N.*/ &
#1_=_#2 &
#3 . #2

the query node #1 is required to have a pos annotation with a value starting with N, but the exact value may vary. A “Match annotation” column helps you export this exact value. Under “Annotation”, you can select which annotation to export (pos in the example), and under “Query node”, you can select the query node for which you want to export the annotation (#1 pos=/N.*/ in the example).

The list under “Annotation” contains all annotations that are present in any of the selected corpora. If a match is contained in a corpus that doesn’t have the selected annotation, the column will be empty for that match. The same happens if the corpus does have the annotation, but the matched node doesn’t have a value for it.

You may notice that the list also contains “meta” annotations, i.e. annotations that refer to a document within the corpus or the entire corpus. This is because queries may not just refer to nodes that cover tokens of the text, but also to corpus or document nodes. If you want to export metadata on a corpus or document level regardless of whether the query refers to those nodes, use a “Corpus metadata” or “Document metadata” column instead, as described under Corpus/document metadata.

It may happen that a corpus contains multiple different annotations of the same name. For this case, ANNIS uses namespaces to disambiguate the annotations. In a query, an annotation can be referred to as namespace:name if necessary, or just name if the name is unique. The namespace can also be empty, in which case the annotation would always be referred to just by its name. For instance, in ReA there are two annotations called text, one under the default_ns namespace and one under the empty namespace. In the list under “Annotation”, you would find these as default_ns:text and text, respectively. In general, the list shows the namespace if necessary to disambiguate and omits it if the name is already unique (or the namespace is empty).

There is a special namespace called annis containing annotations whose meaning is defined by the ANNIS standard, as opposed to annotations whose meaning is defined by the particular corpora you’re querying. In order to make this distinction clear, the ANNIS standard annotations are shown at the end of the list under the “ANNIS” label. These annotations are mainly listed for completeness and will not be needed in most cases.

Note that strictly speaking, the selected annotation does not have to be exactly on the selected node in order to be exported. Consider the above example again:

pos=/N.*/ &
inflection=/.*GEN.*/ &
pos=/N.*/ &
#1_=_#2 &
#3 . #2

In a match for this query, the nodes matched by #1 and #2 are never the same, because ReA uses distinct nodes for the pos and inflection annotations. The condition #1_=_#2 just requires the two nodes to cover the same tokens, as opposed to #1 _ident_ #2, which would require them to be exactly the same node (and hence would yield no matches). However, if you configure a “Match annotation” column to export the inflection annotation of #1 pos=/N.*/, you still get a value. This is because in case the selected node doesn’t have the selected annotation, Annimate looks for the first node that satisfies these two conditions:

  • Its token coverage overlaps with that of the selected node (#1), and
  • it has a value for the selected annotation (inflection).

Of course, in the example you can achieve the same by just selecting the query node #2 inflection=/.*GEN.*/ instead, but it is especially useful when you want to export an annotation that is not mentioned explicitly in the query. For instance, say you want to export the lemma annotation of the genitive node. Then you can select lemma and either #1 pos=/N.*/ or #2 inflection=/.*GEN.*/ and you will get a result despite the fact that neither of the two matched nodes actually has a value for lemma. This is because there is another node which is not mentioned in the query, whose token coverage overlaps (in fact, coincides with) that of #1 and #2 and which has a value for lemma.

Note that when your query is an “or” query with multiple alternatives, for technical reasons Annimate doesn’t know which of the alternatives actually applied for any particular match. This is why the list under “Query node” may show multiple nodes grouped in one entry. For instance, for the query

pos=/N.*/ | pos=/V.*/

you will just see a single entry showing #1 pos=/N.*/ and #2 pos=/V.*/ next to each other. The export for each match will then contain the selected annotation either for #1 or for #2, depending on which alternative applied for that particular match.

Corpus/document metadata

“Corpus metadata” column

“Document metadata” column

ANNIS corpora are subdivided into documents, which in turn contain the text nodes that you would typically search for. For example, the corpus/document structure of ReA looks like this:

ReA 1.2
├─ DDD-AD-Benediktiner_Regel_1.2
│  ├─ B_0
│  ├─ B_1
│     ...
├─ DDD-AD-Genesis_1.2
│  ├─ Gen_1
│  ├─ Gen_2
│     ...
├─ DDD-AD-Kleinere_Althochdeutsche_Denkmäler_1.2
│  ├─ AB_AltbairischeBeichte
│  ├─ AGB_AlemGlaubenundBeichte
│     ...
├─ DDD-AD-Kleinere_Altsächsische_Denkmäler_1.2
│  ├─ AN_AbecedariumNordmannicum
│  ├─ ASB_Altsaechsische_Beichte

Here, the items directly below ReA 1.2 such as DDD-AD-Benediktiner_Regel_1.2 are the corpora and the items below those such as B_0 are the documents.

Just like normal text nodes, corpus and document nodes can also have annotations. These are called meta annotations because they usually contain metadata about a corpus or document such as dialect, time or topic. It depends on the corpus which meta annotations are present at the corpus or document levels.

The “Corpus metadata” respectively “Document metadata” columns contain the value of the selected meta annotation for the corpus respectively document that each match is contained in.

The list under “Meta annotation” contains all meta annotations that are present in any of the selected corpora at the corpus or document levels, respectively. Like for “Match annotation”, annotations are disambiguated by showing their namespaces if necessary and ANNIS standard annotations are shown at the end under the “ANNIS” label (see Match annotation for details). For documents, the ANNIS standard annotation doc (or annis:doc) contains the document name such as AB_AltbairischeBeichte. As this annotation is always present for documents (in fact, the presence of this annotation is what technically defines a document), it is especially useful in cases where there’s no corpus-specific annotation containing the document name. For ReA, you may want to use the text annotation instead.

Note: It may happen that the same meta annotation can be found at the corpus level for some corpora, but at the document level for others. In ReA, for instance, annotations such as dialect, time or topic are usually maintained at the corpus level, except for the two corpora DDD-AD-Kleinere_Althochdeutsche_Denkmäler_1.2 and DDD-AD-Kleinere_Altsächsische_Denkmäler_1.2, where they are maintained for each individual document. This is because these two corpora are heterogeneous collections of documents with different values for those meta annotations, while the other corpora are more homogeneous, so the meta annotations can be maintained at the corpus level. You may want to add both a “Corpus metadata” and a “Document metadata” column for the same annotation in order to make sure that your export covers both cases.


This is a collection of common issues you might encounter while using Annimate. If you cannot find a solution to your problem here, feel free to file an issue on GitHub.


On macOS, there is an error message saying that Annimate is damaged

If you see an error message like this when trying to start Annimate on macOS:

Screenshot of macOS “damaged” alert

this is because Annimate has not been signed by Apple.

To fix this, make sure that you remove the “quarantine” attribute as described in the Installation section.

There is a “permission denied” error when trying to install an update

If you see an error message like this when Annimate tries to install an update (instead of os error 13, it could also show os error 1):

Screenshot of error during update

this is because Annimate has no write permissions on its executable file.

This mostly happens on macOS if Annimate is installed into a folder such as /Applications that requires administrator permissions or in a protected folder such as Desktop, Documents or Downloads in the home directory. To fix this, make sure to install Annimate into a non-protected folder as described in the Installation section.

It can also happen on Linux if the current user has no permission to write to the folder containing the Annimate AppImage. To fix this, you may assign the necessary permissions by running

chmod u+w <folder containing the .appimage file>

In any case, instead of letting Annimate update itself, you can alternatively just download and install/run the latest release.

Note: Your imported corpora are persisted across updates and will not be lost even if you install a newer version manually.

Exporting Query Results

Match in context: Desired segmentation is not listed

If your desired segmentation layer is not listed under “Segmentation” in a Match in context box, this may be because not all of the selected corpora contain the segmentation. You can confirm this by selecting just a single corpus (try different ones from the list) and checking if the segmentation appears.

To fix this, you may want to group your corpora differently, so that all corpora in a set contain the same segmentations. Alternatively, you can use different segmentations for different subsets of corpora by doing separate exports.

Match in context: Columns are empty

If the Match in context columns in your CSV or Excel file are empty, this may be because you selected the Tokens (default) segmentation, but your corpus uses virtual tokens. This means that the segmentation nodes on the token layer do not have any textual content (hence the empty columns), but just serve the purpose of aligning other segmentation layers.

To fix this, try to choose an option different from Tokens (default) under “Segmentation”. If there is no other option, check out the previous point.

Match in context: Context window is smaller than expected

If the “Context” columns in your CSV or Excel file contain fewer segmentation nodes than expected, this may be because you selected a non-standard segmentation where the context size cannot be measured in segmentation nodes for technical reasons and is measured in tokens instead.

To fix this, increase the context size as needed.

Corpus/document metadata: Column is empty

If a Corpus/document metadata column in your CSV or Excel file is empty, this may be because the selected meta annotation is present on a different level than you configured. For instance, you may have configured a “Document metadata” column, but the selected annotation may actually be present at the corpus level.

To fix this, add both a “Corpus metadata” and a “Document metadata” column for the same annotation and check if you get any data in either column. You may even get data in one column for some matches and in the other column for other matches, as explained in the Note in Corpus/document metadata.

The “Export to …” button is disabled

If the “Export to …” button is disabled (grayed out), this means that the information needed to start the export is still incomplete.

To fix this, make sure that the following conditions are satisfied:

  • At least one corpus is selected.
  • A query has been entered and is valid (showing a green checkmark).
  • At least one column has been configured.
  • All configured columns have all their fields set to a value (Segmentation, Left/right context, Annotation, Query node, Meta annotation)

Note: If you change the selection of corpora and/or the query after you have already configured the columns, it can happen that a previously selected option is no longer available (e.g. for “Query node” if you change the query so that the selected node no longer exists). Then the selection is cleared and the “Export to …” button becomes disabled. In this case, go through the list of columns again and make sure that all fields are filled.




Other Software

  • Pepper: Platform for conversion and manipulation of linguistic data, supports the relANNIS format
  • Annatto: Tool for conversion and manipulation of linguistic data, based on the graphANNIS representation
  • graphANNIS: The library underlying ANNIS, Annimate and Annatto


Repository containing data for many corpora:

  • LAUDATIO: Long-term Access and Usage of Deeply Annotated Information

Reference corpora of historical German (see Deutsch Diachron Digital for an overview):